Tuesday, October 10, 2023: 10-11:30am PT online
Learn to identify what is healing for you and how to discern what is balancing for your clients.
Create an intentional plan for experiencing a sacred window that sets you or those you care for up for decades of parenting, partnering and living in vibrancy.
Historically, in cultures around the world, the weeks after a baby is born are attended to with specific routines, nourishment, and practices for supporting the new parents and baby.
Our modern paradigm of postpartum often leaves families feeling depleted, unsupported and often at a loss of how to heal and feel 'well'.
The Ayurvedic perspective, a 10,000+ year old model of understanding life, acknowledges the postpartum window as a period of time that will impact the health and well being of parents and babies far into the future. It takes into consideration the specific needs of the mother or birthing parent and offers routines and practices that naturally bring back into balance the vitality and strength that was lost in the process of birth. Furthermore, it acknowledges mental and emotional layers of healing as well. When the subtle channels of the heart, mind and spirit are strengthened, affirmed and nourished, the body will quickly follow.
An effective path to healing includes appropriate nourishment, herbal support and bodywork along with ritual, ceremonial or sacred practices to honor the incredible transition each member of the family is going through. Depending on the family and person, these practices can and should look very different. The Ayurvedic approach acknowledges the unique constitution of each person.
Meet the instructor: Christine Eck is mother to four children. She is an Ayurvedic Health Consultant, a Birth and Postpartum Doula and the founder and director of the Center for Sacred Window Studies.
She is an advocate for social awareness and change for postpartum care in cultures where traditions in caregiving have diminished or disappeared. She is an educator, speaker, organizer, caregiver and group facilitator. Her mission with the Center for Sacred Window Studies is to empower professionals in postpartum care and families with information and tools in creating the support needed during the sacred postpartum window. She trains Conscious Postpartum Caregivers to support families using diet, routine, herbal support, healing touch and the Universal Mother Principles of caregiving: simplicity, flexibility, compassion, listening, intuition, grounding, non-judgement. Christine resides in Western Massachusetts and teaches students around the world.