Crossing the Threshold: Powerful, Magical, Soul-Enriching

BFW’s signature offering, the Crossing the Threshold weekend retreat, has been receiving wonderful feedback from new and experienced birth workers alike. We are so thrilled by this, and we can’t help but share some of what we have been hearing...and we hope that it may inspire you to come experience the magic yourself.

"This workshop was so powerful and magical. Birthing from Within makes sure all of their practitioners have done the work on ourselves before we even start talking about working with birthing people, so when we do, we can truly serve as guides."

"Crossing the Threshold was a transformational and magical weekend. I was able to address in a deeper way some professional blocks I had and had been working on for a while. It inspired me and reminded me to be myself and not to be afraid anymore of showing my true light. It encouraged me to have an open heart and not only do things from my head. All this coming from the insight I gain going within me. I loved sitting in circle with powerful women. It was just what my soul needed. Thank you!!!"

"This weekend was an amazing, soul enriching experience. I had taken [an older incarnation of] this training five years ago, but this time was different. This was more than birth work, this was soul work. I wish every woman could have this experience."

"Crossing the Threshold was my first endeavor into the birth-work field. I was not sure what to expect going into the training, but what I experienced over those 2 1/2 days was nothing short of transformational. The deep soul-searching, insightful self knowledge, and release of long-held birth trauma will be with me for the rest of my life. I know that what I experienced and learned during my training will be the backbone of my doula work and I look forward to helping birthing families on their journey of childbirth using Birthing From Within’s philosophies and methods."

"I really never thought of birth as a journey and having to leave something behind in order to gain the things one gains when giving birth until 6+ years after my first birth. I hope to help parents figure that out a lot sooner than I did!"

"After spending the last 20 years in a profession that is not just undervalued in our society but actively fought against, I realized a few things this weekend. I realized that I have internalized that devaluation and not committed to the work that I do. Reproductive healthcare is healthcare and as it turns out it's been my career. Teaching birthing preparation classes isn't frivolous. It's imperative. This weekend gave me the opportunity to recommit to my work and to value my work. I am thrilled to make birth work a more central part of my future."

"Attending Crossing the Threshold was one of the most impactful trainings that I have participated in. It truly touched my heart and taught me a framework that really speaks to the warrior and the hero in us all, and especially within the birthing person. I really look forward to continuing my work with Birthing From Within."

"I came into this not knowing what to expect and left with a new understanding of myself and new hope and insight moving forward. This workshop is more than a birth workshop, it is a workshop that helps to better understand the deeper aspects of the self, to heal the heart, and build community. It was amazing."


Meet the Mentor: Christy Cozby


Inclusive Language in Your Birth Practice